Having been raised in church, I thought that once I was saved that you had to earn it by your works in order to keep it. Shortly after being saved and trying to earn it, I just simply ran out of gas and gave up. August 23 of this year turned out to be a life changing day – I became a resident here at the Albany Rescue Mission. Coming to this place not only changed, but it saved my life. In September of this year I truly became saved and became one of God’s children. Here at the Mission, I get to hear the Lord’s Word and see how it can and does impact someone’s life. Now that I have my life straight, things are going much better; I now work in the office as an assistant. From that position I am able to see first hand how the word and love of God can change someone’s life -- I know it did mine.
In closing I just want to say that Jesus is the only way to eternal life, no man can come unto the Father but by Him. I have come to understand that and with His love and guidance I will be able to show others that He is the only way.
Thank you all so much for reading this. God bless.
With all the love that I have,
Jason D.
(From January 2007 newsletter)