International Mission
All the way to Africa
Believers in Africa are HUNGRY for the WORD!
We have sent two packages of Bibles and teaching
books to a community of believers in Malawi.

We are planning a similar outreach to Kenya.

We met these believers via the internet!
Your gift can help to fund this international
Pictures to our Mission from Malawi
In the early 1990s, a man from the African nation of
Malawi came to the Mission for a time. His brother, Abel, wrote to us
from Malawi awhile back, asking us to send Bibles to their village.
We’ve been maintaining an international
correspondence with Abel, and our staff has contributed their own
private funds to offer help to Abel, his family, and village. Abel
recently sent us a packet of photos, and we thought that you might like
to see them, too!
Pictures to our Mission from
Kenya An elders meeting. One of the
men is holding a Bible that we sent.
The international outreach is being funded
by the staff. |
Pictures to our Mission from Burma Hope Education Center - Htauk Kyant
also celebrated Christmas service at Hope Education Center in Htauk
Kyant village on 24th afternoon. About 25 children and some of their
parents came to the service. Christmas message was shared by our
missionary Mr. Lalrinhnuna from Bago mission field. This center has a
regular attendance of 45-50 children but since about 90% of the children
are from non-believer background, it is difficult to invite all of them
and their families to come and celebrate Christmas. But the children
who came for the service are very happy and sang Christmas songs and did
Bible verses recitation. Then our team members gave presents to
children who attend the school regularly, have discipline and doing good
marks in the class. |

Pictures to our Mission from Burma

Pictures to our Mission from Burma Shwe Pyi Tar This
is the Burmese speaking congregation we've started 4 years ago. Our
missionary Mr. Min Lwin Oo is currently overseeing the mission work
there. We celebrate the Christmas with members of the congregation and
also invite non-believers from around the village to worship with us on 24th morning.
About 120 people altogether come to the service. The Christmas message
was shared by our evangelist Mr. Lalthanzaua and members are very
attentive and receive the message with joyful heart. Please include in
your prayer for our missionary's wife, Mrs. Khin Wa who is suffering
from hepatitis C and breast cancer. She is currently feeling well by the
grace of God. |

Pictures to our Mission from Burma Yangon
celebrated Christmas eve on 24th evening which I shared the message.
Then on 25th, about 60 members of our congregation came together and
spent time for the whole day for service, fellowship and having lunch
and dinner together. Rev. Lalchuka shared the Christmas message. We are
very happy that everyone can spend this Christmas time without any
damage, difficulties, sickness or health problems. |

Pictures to our Mission from Burma Shwe Pyi Tar Our church baptized 7 new believers at Shwe Pyi Tar church. Some of them
converted from Buddhism and some from Animism. We are very glad to
receive our new families in Christ. We need your prayer and
encouragement in following up to train these new believers to become
real disciples of Christ. I (Rev. Martin Lalthangliana) baptized 5 new believers with the other 2 baptized by our missionary Mr. Min Lwin Oo.
together baptized 13 new believers at this church in 2011 and now the
church altogether have 20 baptized members. This church now have about
30-40 regular attendance on Sunday
service. This is one of our mission church and outreach among the
Burmese community. All of these things are possible because of your
prayer, financial support and literature distribution through our
missionaries. We ask for your continued support as we have mission
churches like this in 10 different places around the country.
fact, there is another 3 or more members to baptize but since they are
daily workers and have to travel far away from town, they are unable to
join the baptism service. Most of these new believers are converted from
traditional spirit worship and some of them are converted from Buddhist
of the new believers are the first Christian in their families. We are
expecting that their husbands, wives and children will one day, follow
Jesus Christ and accept as their Lord and Savior. They deserve our
prayers and encouragement. We are also planning to have Saturday bible training for these new believers for 1 month. Please pray for us.


Christmas in Pakistan 2018

Christmas in Pakistan 2019

International Mission Outreach… Donation
Albany Rescue Mission, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt Non-profit
organization. All donations are tax-exempt and tax deductible
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